Monday, 2 July 2018

Top Tips To Help You Look Like You Actually Slept 8 Hours.

1. Firm Up

When applied topically, caffeine tightens up the skin. Place cool, moist black-tea bags on your eyes for five minutes or use an eye cream that contains caffeine.

2. Stimulate Circulation
         Placing metal spoons in the refrigerator overnight can help minimize puffiness
         in two ways: 1) The cold temperature helps tighten swollen skin and 2) using the 
         rounded side to massage your eye area (from inner to outer corner) 
         helps jumpstart lymphatic drainage, since fluid can pool under your eyes while
         you sleep. 

         On that note: Make sure your pillow props your head up enough that you're not 
         lying flat; that's when fluid doesn't circulate properly, leading to the 
         gathering of under-eye bags in the first place

3. Stay Hydrated

The effects of alcohol can contribute to swelling and puffiness even under your eyes. Here's why: Drinking causes your blood vessels to widen and can even result in slight leakage from said swollen vessels, hence the reddish cast to your skin and overall puffiness. So, stick with the ol' one-cocktail-to-one-glass-of-water ratio to minimize waking up puffy. 

4. Limit Your Salt Intake

The American Heart Association recommends no more than 2,300 milligrams (aka one teaspoon) a day, since salty foods can lead to swelling everywhere. To minimize the effects of sodium, load up on vitamin B-rich foods (like spinach) and foods that contain potassium, like bananas, sweet potatoes, and cantaloupe, since they can all help reduce bloating. And for more ways to lessen your salt intake.

5. Apply Hemorrhoid Cream (Seriously)

Sounds gross, but the main ingredient — phenylephrine — constricts blood vessels and helps shrinks your under-eye tissue, says dermatologist Audrey Kunin, founder of Dermadoctor. Apply a bit to the puffy area and wait for it to work its magic — just be careful not to get it in your eyes!

6. Focus the Attention Elsewhere

A quick solution for under-eye bags is to draw the attention away from the area. Meaning, choose another part of your face to play up, so the focus is directed to, say, your lips by defining them and filling them in with a bold color.

7. Swap Cucumbers Slices for Potatoes Slivers
Yes, this works and here's why: Potatoes contain a skin-lightening enzyme called catecholase that helps brighten your skin over time. To road-test this theory, lie back with a thin slice of potato over each eye, leaving them on for 10 minutes to allow the juice to seep into your skin. Do this twice a week to start evening out your tone

8. Take an Antihistamine

If you notice dark circles cropping up during allergy season, ask your doctor if you should try taking an antihistamine or using allergy-relief eyedrops, says Robert Mirsky, an ophthalmologist in New Jersey. "Allergens cause swelling in the vessels under your skin, and rubbing your eyes can bruise those same vessels, resulting in a darker shadow."

9. Upgrade Your Eye Cream

The newest eye creams tackle any kind of under-eye sitch you can think of — all you have to do is remember to reapply daily.

10. In a Pinch? Conceal...

The secret to covering up dark circles? Using a yellow- or peach-based concealer in a shade slightly darker than you'd normally reach for to neutralize the purple shadow under your eyes, says Klein.

Article Source - Carly Cardellino, Cosmopolitan.

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