Friday, 10 August 2018

Try The Perrier Face Wash Experiment.

Nose strips, facial peels and giant exfoliating Q-tips:  I have tried many things in the pursuit of clearer pores throughout the years. So when I heard that our friends in Korea (aka the skin-care mecca) were using mineral water as a DIY facial treatment (the carbonation is supposed to gently cleanse without being too harsh or irritating), you bet I promptly uncapped the bottle of Perrier I had chilling in the fridge. 
Though the interwebs informed me of the many, slightly varied iterations for how to go about doing this (some combined sparkling and mineral water; others used mineral and tap water—and what's the  difference between those anyway?).  I chose based on what I already had available. Enter: the aforementioned bottle of Perrier, which is a sparkling mineral water. Two birds, one stone; I'm sold. 
The instructions are pretty straightforward: Pour equal parts Perrier and tap water into a bowl. (Skip any flavors; you want the plain, original stuff here.) Next, take a deep breath before submerging your face into the bubbly concoction for 10 to 15 seconds. Pat dry and follow with your normal skin-care regimen.
After a month of weekly Perrier plunges, I wouldn't go so far as to say that my blackheads have disappeared (this, I’m finding, is much like trying to get rid of cellulite: a futile attempt). However, I will concede that my skin looks a tad brighter and feels baby soft. Still, I think I'll save this for special occasions only (or a really hot day) because honestly, I'd rather drink Perrier than soak my face with it.
On that note: If dunking your head into water gives you flashbacks of near-death experiences in the kiddie pool, you can just soak a few cotton rounds and dab them directly onto your skin. (On second thought, I should have just done that all along.)
Article Source - PureWow

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Did you know how good bananas are for you?

Article Source - Green Tidings

Have You Ever Heard Of BEDITATIONS?

Here is an interesting Article by Latham Thomas on BEDITATIONS.

Sleep and me? Let’s just say we have a complicated relationship. I’ve tried gravity blanketssleep drinksmagical lotiondigital lampsfuturistic bracelets…you name it, I’ve probably given it a go. I’ve had some success with melatonin supplements and lowering the temperature in my bedroom, but with a busy work schedule and three weeks and counting before my wedding, I can’t even remember the last time I got six straight hours of sleep.
So I was intrigued (and relieved) when I found Beditations,” a collection of guided nighttime meditations by Latham Thomas—a doula, best-selling author and creator of the holistic lifestyle community Mama Glow. By meditating for a few minutes every night, Thomas promises us that you will “become grounded in your resting state and soar in your waking life.” Sounds like a plan, Latham. 
On especially stressful nights, I’m guilty of listening to podcasts (or, um, Full House reruns) to drown out my thoughts as I fall asleep—and surprise, it’s never been especially helpful. So for two weeks, I played a Beditation on my phone as I snuggled in bed instead. And while traditional meditation tends to make me feel fidgety and restless, the combo of lying down with Thomas’s soothing voice completely distracted me from the task at hand (i.e., falling asleep).
The first half of the “Beditations” album is a loving, self-care boot camp for poor sleepers, talking us through everything from the best sheets (breathable, organic cotton) to the ideal atmosphere to help you unwind before bed (a well-ventilated room and no screens—sorry, Uncle Jesse). The next half of the series is split into two parts: physical body Beditations, which focus on body scans and releasing tension, and spiritual Beditations, which are a metaphysical, almost hypnotic experience. While I hope to eventually fully immerse myself in the headier stuff, I found myself going back to the physical body Beditations because I hold tension in my shoulders and sometimes wake up with headaches.
The verdict after two weeks? Instead of stressing on getting to sleep as fast as possible and worrying that it isn’t happening as quickly as I’d like, my Beditations practice has helped me understand sleep as a gentle healing process to nurture my body. By “surrendering to self-care,” as Thomas puts it, I began to lay the groundwork for a restful, productive night’s sleep, rather than knocking myself out with a quick fix. Will Beditations put you to sleep instantly? Maybe not. But will it help you see your sleep routine in a whole new light? Definitely.
Article by Latham Thomas, Mama Glow (Via Pure Wow)

Monday, 6 August 2018

Need A Boost To Your Metabolism?

Try some of the foods listed below if you are feeling low in energy or just require a boost to your metabolism.

Article Source - Bauer Physical Therapy 

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Did you know the amazing benefits that Coconut Oil provides?  From preventing high cholesterol to eliminating mental fatigue.

Article Source - Organic Facts